Moving On, Mourning the Loss of a Loved One


Ms. Simmons loves speaking and that has manifested itself in this unique, life-changing devotional called, “Moving On, Mourning the Loss of a Loved One”. This book came out of 30 days of lamenting and crying out to God, talking to Him about the loss of the man she thought would one day be her husband! Each day the Lord took her on a journey of self-discovery with Him.

You also will be able to:

* Explore and get in “touch” with your feelings.
* Share your innermost thoughts, feelings, and hurts with God.
* Release those feelings to God so that you can be healed from this trauma.
* Enjoy God’s restorations, his refreshing, and His replenishing of your mind, body, and spirit!
* You will be able to let your deceased loved one “Move On” to God so that you can “Move On” in the purpose and plans God has for you in your life.
