Cling to God and Live!

Cling to God and Live!

Minister Joyce heightens our awareness of the importance of clinging to God and living. God is our Creator, our Sustainer and the giver of Life. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. Cling to God and live in these trying, perilous days we live in.
The Spirit in Prison!

The Spirit in Prison!

Minister Joyce Simmons speaks about infant and childhood trauma that leaves a person hurt, wounded and not operating in their total capacity as a person. A spirit in prison has made many inner vows to protect themselves from hurt. Those inner vows take on a life of...
Focus on Jesus and Wait

Focus on Jesus and Wait

In the midst of our trials and tribulations, it may seem like we want to faint. It seems like what we are dealing with is too much to bear. But let me tell you if you “Focus on Jesus and Wait” on a word from Him, you will make it. You are making it right...
Stay the Course

Stay the Course

Minister Joyce Simmons speaks directly to many today about staying focused and staying on course no matter what the enemy may try to throw at you. Focus on God because He has put into you everything you need to succeed during this time in your life. Stay the course...
Don’t Run From God!

Don’t Run From God!

Minister Joyce Simmons speaks a word of encouragement to specific ones who know that God is calling them out to a deeper place in Him. God may want you to start a new ministry, write a book, start a business or so much more. She has included information about the...
Loose Lips, Sinks Ships

Loose Lips, Sinks Ships

Many times we talk and don’t always think a lot about what we are saying and sometimes we give less thought to who it is we are speaking too. But God wants us to cognizant of what we say, how we say it and to whom we are saying it to. Another thing to remember,...